Unlock Your Child's Potential with the Best Developmental Therapy!

Unlock Your Child's Potential with the Best Developmental Therapy!


BHCOE Accreditation® is an earned certification and a distinction among ABA therapy providers that demonstrates an organization's commitment to quality and continuous improvement in applied behavior analysis.

Empowering Parent’s Learning by Positive Environment and Overall Well-being! Say Goodbye to delays and Hello to progress! We believe in the power of consideration and connection! We are committed to one-of-a-kind evidence-based top-notch healthcare services to enhance your child’s development. Butterfly Learnings is more than just therapy-it's a testimony to support, encouragement, and professional expertise. With a dedicated team to unlock your child’s potential, we create a nurturing environment where every milestone is celebrated. We cultivate, share and advocate for the best practices in the services we provide. Awareness is the first towards support.

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Personalized Programs

Personalized Programs for your child

The programs here are customized to your children's specific requirements in order to give them the personalized attention they need.

demand resources & support

On demand resources & support from your Butterfly Therapist

So we are always by your side in your highs and lows, Butterfly makes sure to never leave you unattended by providing on-demand tools and assistance from our therapists.

Access To our top tier therapist across multiple platforms

Offering tailored solutions through each platform that build happy minds and healthy lives.

 Guidance & Training

Guidance & Training for Parents & Caregivers

A Parent's Guide to support family and promote a positive future for your child!


What our Parents Say?

My daughter has improved

significantly, especially in the

areas of communication,

behaviour development and

now has started writing. A big

thank you!

Parent of :



3 yr old girl

Time period:

3.5 months into therapy

I'm grateful for your therapy

sessions, as I can see a lot of

improvement in my son..

she now points at things and

uses up to three words to


Parent of:



4 yr old boy

Time period:

6 months into therapy

SB has become very

expressive now by speech

therapy, she speaks 3-4

word sentences properly. It

was possible because of you

Parent of:



5 yr old girl

Time period:

8 months into therapy

Why us?

How can we be of service to you

"We are in the business of building a healthier society through conscious families."

At Butterfly Learnings we provide children with the most efficient technique to fully unfold their potential and help them have a meaningful participation in life. We guide children throughout their lives as they grow. We offer children a place to feel welcome where they can receive integrated intervention to enhance proper developmental skills and unleash the child's full potential. Every child's therapy is personalized and developed by our BCBA, and implemented by senior therapists. The dedication of our team is nothing short of inspiring! We love what we do!

We are dedicated to providing the compassionate, individualized care that your child deserves in the environment that is best suited for their needs. Butterfly learning makes it convenient to receive services in both center-based and parent mediated virtual setting if that best suits your child's needs. We are here for you-no matter where you're located. You can be sure that your child is receiving the highest quality of care.

Butterfly Learnings brings the best in your child by coming to your child's level and helping them because children need support from the caregivers who understand and encourage them.

Our supportive clinical staff listen to concerns and work with you together for your child's future. They keep you in a loop by providing you guidance when it comes to challenging behaviors & skill teaching. With the help of our deep knowledge in children's development and our scientific methods, we aim to actively cooperate with families and start to see positive, permanent, sustainable results in shorter timelines

How it works?
This is how the magic begins
How it works?
This is how the magic begins
Get an online Pre-Assessment

We understand your hesitation, especially when it comes to your children and hence you can start off with an online or in person assessment session at Butterfly with our development paediatricians and paediatric neurologists for your little one.

Get a Personalized training program for your child

The therapy is designed keeping in consideration your child's unique needs and interests or The development care we provide is tailored as per your child's unique needs and interests.

Watch your child grow...

Soak up every moment while navigating the beauty of watching your child grow!

Let us work together for your child's better future.
Book Consultation

Parents like to also know

ABA works on the principle of positive reinforcement, i.e. rewarding the child for learning a skill or showing a behaviour, even for making an attempt. The reward increases the child's motivation to repeat the desired behaviour in the future. Resulting change in behaviour. Not only does this motivate a child, it also lets them know that their efforts to learn are valued.

We provide therapy to children showing challenging behaviour like tantrums, aggression, screen addiction and having developmental delays like speech & language delay, difficulty in socialization, attention deficit, and autism spectrum disorder.

How is my child assessed and how does the process look like?

In the first session, the child is assessed by a developmental paediatrician or paediatric neurologist for an assessment. They interact with the child and ask questions to parents to know more about the child, what skills she has already acquired and the skills that need to be inculcated. They see what items and activities can be potential reinforces, this will be useful once sessions start. After an assessment, if the child requires the therapy then a BCBA can create a personalized therapy plan for the child specific to their needs and interests.

Butterfly Learnings provides parent-mediated therapy where a parent learns to handle their child's challenging behaviours. The sessions are live and taken by well-trained therapists and attended by both the parent and the child. The therapist guides the parent on what to do and interacts with the child by making them do tasks. Before a session ends, the therapist gives some homework to the parent as activities which they can do with the child. With practice, the child learns a new skill. If the parent faces some difficulty, it will be addressed by the therapist in an upcoming session. All you need is a phone or laptop and a good internet connection.

Yes. Sessions are taken by well-trained therapists having experience in working with children and they use evidence-based practices that are proven to work. Sessions are interactive, which gives a parent and a child tasks that are essential for teaching skills. You can track your child's progress presented in a graphical format in this work. As per our experience, online therapy is effective for a high functioning child whose parents are equally motivated.

One of the biggest benefits of ABA therapy is that parents can also learn and practice with the child. This ensures that the child is learning skills from the therapists and the parent as well, and the possibility of the child engaging in desired behaviour increases. Also, you will be able to take care of your child when they are showing challenging behaviour.

It improves the child's activities of daily living, language skills, play & social skills, video-perceptual skills, cognition, academic skills, reduction in challenging behaviours

An in-person session lasts for 1 hour 45 minutes. Online session is taken for 1 hour. Speech Therapy or Occupational Therapy is conducted for 45 minutes.

During the initial days of therapy, the therapist establishes rapport with the child and tries to learn about his or her favourite toys and games, activities, and potential reinforces. On the surface, it may look like the therapist and child are just playing. The objective of the rapport building process is to make the child feel and comfortable.

There's so much to learn and understand about your child, the challenges they'll face, and the support they'll need over the next few years. A little knowledge can go a long way in helping you feel prepared. You can teach your family critical skills to ensure generalization, improve functioning in the natural environment, reduce the stress level, and generally make life more enjoyable for everyone.

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We would love to help you and your child out in every way possible. Fill out the form and lets start a beautiful journey.

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