Speech Therapy for Adults: Improving Communication Abilities

Speech Therapy for Adults

What is speech and language therapy?

Speech is the use of sounds to convey our ideas clearly and understandably. A person with a speech issue, usually referred to as a communication disorder, has difficulty using spoken words to communicate.

For those coping with these problems, speech therapy provides essential support and care. 

Professionals known as speech-language pathologists (SLPs) or speech therapists examine and treat a range of speech impairments and communication issues as part of this therapy.

They use a variety of methods, including language intervention exercises that improve general language proficiency and social communication, and articulation therapy, which aids in accurately pronouncing certain sounds. 

Both adults with speech problems from diseases like stroke or brain damage and children with developmental speech issues benefit from speech therapy.

Through individualized care, speech therapists improve communication abilities and enhance the quality of life those those suffering from speech and language challenges.  

What does speech therapy do?

When an adult seeks out speech therapy, the process starts with a thorough evaluation to identify the individual's requirements and create the most effective treatment plan.

The goals of adult speech therapy are to improve cognitive, linguistic, and speech communication abilities.

Furthermore, therapy may involve swallowing function retraining exercises for patients with swallowing disorders such as Parkinson's disease or oral cancer.

Adult speech therapy involves a variety of exercises and activities that are tailored to treat various concerns.

  • Cognitive Communication: Tasks that require organization, memory improvement, and problem-solving skills all contribute to better cognitive communication.
  • Social Communication: By using conversational strategies to improve social communication abilities, interactions become more efficient and seamless.
  • Resonance: Breathing techniques can enhance resonance, making the voice sound more distinct and strong.
  • Oral Muscle Strength: Certain exercises focus on and fortify the speaking muscles, which can enhance general speech clarity and articulation.

For people with speech and language difficulties, speech therapy may greatly improve communication skills and quality of life by addressing these areas.

Why is it needed?

Let's examine some of the more specific conditions that speech therapy may treat and how they work:

  • Articulation Disorder: Difficulties with accurately producing certain word sounds are associated with articulation disorders. Numerous conditions, including as cleft palates, hearing loss, and developmental delays, can create these problems. The goal of speech therapy for articulation issues is to teach the patient the proper way to use their jaw, lips, and tongue to make sounds.
  • Fluency Disorders: Stuttering and cluttering are examples of fluency disorders that impact the rhythm, cadence, and flow of speaking. When someone stutters, their speech may get obstructed or stopped as they try to form a word or sound. On the other hand, cluttering entails speaking quickly and combining words, which makes communication challenging to comprehend. Speech therapy in the context of fluency disorders includes techniques that involve slowing down speech, managing anxiety in the context of speech, and practicing speech patterns that are smooth and uninterrupted. 
  • Resonance Disorders: These are caused by abnormalities in the airflow through the mouth or nose during speech, which can alter the sound of one's voice. This may be the result of neurological conditions, enlarged tonsils, or anatomical problems such as a cleft palate. The goal of therapy is to resolve these airflow problems by using exercises that strengthen the soft palate's coordination and raise nasal and oral resonance.
  • Receptive language disorders: In this, spoken language is difficult to comprehend and absorb. The disorder may cause a person to appear bored when others are speaking, struggle to follow instructions or have a little vocabulary. Autism, hearing loss, brain injuries, and developmental delays are a few possible causes. Activities that improve listening comprehension, following directions, and listening skills are part of speech therapy for receptive language impairments.
  • Expressive Disorders: Difficulties communicating or expressing information are associated with expressive language disorders. Individuals who suffer from this illness may have trouble finding the right words, putting sentences together, or choosing the appropriate verb tense. The causes might include everything from head trauma or medical illnesses to developmental problems including hearing loss and Down syndrome. The goals of therapy are to increase one's vocabulary, strengthen sentences, and improve one's capacity for clear idea expression.
  • Cognitive-communication disorders: These are typified by communication difficulties stemming from cognitive deficits. This may be the consequence of neurological disorders, aberrant brain development, or brain damage. Memory problems, trouble answering puzzles, and difficulties speaking or listening are possible symptoms. The goal of speech therapy is to strengthen these cognitive skills by using exercises that focus on memory, problem-solving, and general communication.  
  • Aphasia: A person with aphasia has difficulties with speaking, understanding, reading, and writing. While strokes are the most prevalent cause of it, other brain traumas can also cause it. The goal of speech therapy for aphasia is to enhance language skills through interactive activities, visual aids, and repeated exercises. The goal of therapy is to improve a person's capacity for word production, comprehension, and social language usage. 
  • Dysarthria: Speech that is sluggish or slurred as a result of weakness or an inability to regulate speaking muscles is known as dysarthria. Exercises designed to strengthen these muscles, facilitate articulation, and improve respiratory control are part of therapy. 
  • Accent modification: It is the process of altering one's accent to communicate more clearly. To improve their accent and sound more like native speakers, many individuals undergo speech treatment. Practicing pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, and stress patterns of the target language are some of the therapies used. 
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): It is a developmental impairment that impacts social interaction and communication. Speech therapy can help people with ASD communicate more effectively in a variety of ways. These include reading comprehension; writing skills; interviewing techniques; pragmatic language (using appropriate communication in social situations); sentence structure; and answering and posing WH-questions (what, why, when, where, and who).
  • Parkinson's Disease: Adults suffering from Parkinson's disease may have vocal problems such as hoarseness, breathiness, or softness. Speech therapy uses exercises that strengthen the vocal cords, improve breath control, and intensify the voice to improve vocal quality and articulation. 
  • Voice disorders: These include problems such as raspiness, vocal fatigue, hoarseness, irregular voice loss, and improper pitch or loudness. Teachers, singers, coaches, and other professionals who use their voices frequently are prone to these diseases. Medical disorders, lifestyle choices, and voice abuse are a few possible causes. Speech therapy provides instruction on how to utilize the voice properly, how to relieve stress, and exercises to strengthen the vocal cords.


  • Public Speaking: Adults who have nervousness when speaking in front of people sometimes experience "stage fright," also known as public speaking anxiety. Speech therapy can assist people in developing self-assurance and self-control when speaking in front of an audience. Practice sessions, feedback, and anxiety management techniques are frequently included in therapy.

Speech therapy may greatly improve a person's communication skills and general quality of life by treating these different issues.

Speech therapy for adults

Speech therapy for adults involves a variety of techniques to address specific communication challenges. Here are some key methods used by speech-language pathologists (SLPs):

  • Social Communication: SLPs help improve communication through problem-solving activities, memory exercises, and conversation practice. These techniques enhance a person’s ability to interact socially and communicate effectively.
  • Breathing Exercises: Breathing exercises are used to address resonance issues, helping individuals produce clearer and more consistent speech sounds.
  • Mouth Exercises: Strengthening oral muscles through targeted exercises can significantly improve speech clarity and articulation.
  • Swallowing Exercises: For individuals with swallowing difficulties due to conditions like Parkinson’s disease, oral cancer, or stroke, SLPs use specific exercises to help manage and improve swallowing function.

Treating Vocal Tension:

  • Flow Phonation: This technique treats dysphonia and aphonia by teaching patients to focus on the airflow during phonation, reducing throat tightness.
  • Resonant Voice Therapy: Used for muscle tension dysphonia, this therapy aims to produce a strong, clear voice with minimal vocal effort.
  • Smith Accent Technique: Involves controlled breathing and rhythmic exercises to coordinate vocal fold vibration, air pressure, and airflow.

Treating Weakness:

  • Expiratory Muscle Strength Training (EMST): This method helps patients with weak coughs or those at risk for aspiration, such as individuals with Parkinson’s disease or those recovering from a stroke. EMST uses a handheld device to strengthen the muscles involved in swallowing and breathing.
  • Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD): Designed for people with Parkinson’s disease, this treatment increases loudness and speech intelligibility by enhancing phonatory and respiratory function.
  • SPEAK OUT!: Aimed at individuals with Parkinson’s disease, this approach focuses on producing a stronger, clearer voice.
  • Vocal Function Exercises: This regimen uses easy onsets and forward focus techniques to strengthen the voice. It has been shown to improve maximum phonation time in adults with dysphonia or voice disorders.

By employing these diverse techniques, speech therapists can address a wide range of speech and communication issues, helping adults regain or improve their ability to communicate effectively.

Therapy at home

For adults, home-based speech therapy has several benefits, such as comfort, convenience, flexibility, and greater family engagement.

Convenience and Flexibility: The ease of use provided by home-based speech treatment is one of its main advantages. Those who have hectic schedules, live in remote locations, or have mobility impairments would especially benefit from this. Because of the flexibility, therapy may be more individually tailored and integrated into the patient's daily life.

Comfort and a Familiar Environment: Receiving speech therapy at the convenience of one's own home can have a big impact on its efficacy. People find it easier to concentrate and participate completely in their sessions when they are in a familiar setting, which also helps to lower tension and worry.

Family Support and Involvement: Through home-based treatment, family members can actively contribute to the development of the individual receiving therapy. Their participation may give direction and inspiration, as well as emotional support and the creation of a helpful environment. Family members can assist by giving the therapist constructive criticism, keeping a regular therapy schedule, and providing positive encouragement. The likelihood of success increases with increased encouragement and support!

More Relevant and Meaningful: Speech therapy is more applicable and meaningful to the client's day-to-day activities when it is provided at home. Clients make faster progress by generalizing their skills more effectively when they practice in the setting where they will be utilized most frequently. The skills acquired in home-based treatment are guaranteed to have practical application.

Adults can attempt these useful speech therapy activities at home:

Activities for improving articulation: 

  • Mirror Practice: Faced with a mirror, concentrate on pronouncing difficult consonants with the right mouth and tongue movements.
  • Practice tongue twisters to enhance your articulation. Online, there are a plethora of entertaining and difficult tongue twisters.
  • Explain Book Illustrations: Focusing on precise articulation, describe what you observe in the photographs aloud.

Activities for improving fluency: 

  • Slow Speech: Talk slowly and deliberately, being sure to thoroughly pronounce each word.
  • Deep Breathing: To improve fluency, use deep breathing and relaxation techniques.
  • Pausing: To regulate speaking tempo and fluency, pause in between words and sentences.

Activities for improving voice clarity:

  • Humming: Use humming to loosen up your voice chords.
  • Sing: Choose songs that you feel comfortable singing out loud to improve voice quality.

Activities for improving language: 

  • Recording: It can help individuals to identify the areas where they require improvement. 
  • Speaking: Engage in frequent dialogue with friends and family to hone your communication abilities.
  • Listening: Take part in discussions or listen to audiobooks; request clarification as necessary.
  • Reading: To improve your fluency and comprehension, read aloud every day.
  • Writing: To enhance your vocabulary and linguistic abilities, play word games like Scrabble and crossword puzzles.

It's preferable to collaborate with an SLP to create a customized fitness program that meets the needs if there are particular goals. Enhancing communication abilities at home with speech therapy can have a significant positive influence on daily living.


To sum up, speech and language therapy is a vital service that improves the quality of life for people of all ages by treating a variety of communication impairments.

Speech therapy offers focused therapies that can result in notable gains in communication abilities, regardless of the condition being treated, such as articulation problems, fluency disorders, resonance concerns, or language comprehension and expression challenges.

Particularly for adults, home-based therapy's comfort and flexibility provide special benefits that enable individualized, successful treatment in a comfortable setting.

This method makes treatment more relevant and meaningful by integrating it into everyday life and creating a supportive, stress-free environment.